Hi, and welcome to Pair Picker. This version is really simple in that it really amounts to nothing more than a concentration game with 52 cards, 2 players, and a bonus card. Hopefully the modest animation and illustrations (in addition to the addictive nature of the "concentration" concept) will prevent you from cursing yourself for the time you've spent downloading it.
How to Play
As mentioned earlier, this version supports two-person play only. Simply click on cards to flip them over. If you get a match, the cards are removed from the playing area, your score is incremented, and you get another turn. The arrows at the bottom of the playing area keep track of whose turn it is. The first person to fill up their score boxes at the bottom of the screen wins. In the event of a tie, whoever got the bonus pair (whoever "picks" the "nose" card - sorry about that) wins.
Note that a "reshuffle" and "preview" button appear for each player at the bottom of the playing area. These buttons do just what they say: "reshuffle" reshuffles all of the remaining cards, and "preview" flips every card over in turn. Each player can use each of these buttons only once per game. You'd probably want to use "preview" at a critical point in the game when you really need a match, and "reshuffle" functions more or less as a last-ditch defensive weapon.
This version is freeware. Future versions will support more game options, like playing the Mac, playing solitaire, and possibly even networkability. These versions will probably be shareware. At any rate, I hope you enjoy the game. I would really appreciate any bug reports / suggestions - send them to one of the following electronic addresses: